Welcome to Charleston South Carolina! With four seasons, and nice weather throughout much of what we call winter, we enjoy some of the best weather in the world. Combined with great weather are our own unique natural wonders, six major barrier island beaches, a maze of waterways reaching in all directions, and pristine wild marshes and woodlands.
Finally, you have the treasure for which Charleston is best known, our uniquely preserved Peninsular Charleston with history reaching back into the 1500's. For your pleasure and entertainment, there are museums, musicals, plays, tours, festivals, water parks, marinas, beaches, nightlife, boating, fishing, shopping and more shopping, exploring, an aquarium, and minor league and college sports.
We root for the Bulldogs, Tigers, Gamecocks, Braves, River Dogs, Stingrays, Buccaneers, The Battery, Hawks, Panthers, and Redskins just to name a few. Oh, and how could I forget our award-winning restaurants? Charleston has hosted the Spoleto Festival for many years attracting visitors from around the world. Charleston's Finest City Guide offers a comprehensive business directory to shop "all things Charleston".
The Holy City is a travel destination for people on holiday from England to Taiwan. For us, it's a 30 minute drive. The city itself is simply a marvel. The British, devastating fires, pirates, earthquakes, slavery, a civil war, reconstruction, hurricane Hugo, and the recent economic disaster have not been able to bring her down or break her spirit.
Today, Charleston is stronger than ever with expanding economic development, the successful on-time and under budget completion of the Arthur Ravenel bridge, and the resurrection of the Charleston Symphony Orchestra. Boeing, Google, Daimler-Chrysler, Tanger, Volvo and others are selecting Charleston because they like what they see. Charleston, SC is a shining star of hope. We hope you're able to join us soon as more than a visitor.
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